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17 Tips for Racking Up Revenue From Founders With Off-the-Charts Success



The reasons behind a company’s hockey-stick growth can be varied, of course. One company’s software or consumer product can land at the exact perfect moment when consumers want it most (ZoomPeloton … ahem). Other companies may succeed because they’re doing something that’s been done but they’re doing it with far more efficiency and verve than their predecessors. Still other companies can thank good old-fashioned gumption.

No matter the reasons, a few things remain constant across all fast-growth companies: They go where no one else will. They get comfortable being uncomfortable. They take the risks no one else wants to take. Here, 17 of this year’s fastest-growing private companies across seven regions describe just one reason why they’ve managed to come out on top:

1. Don’t be a hero.

“Early on, I thought the answer to solving problems was to work through them–just keep working, 24/7. It took time to learn that working hard is only part of the equation. Yes, you often need to wear 10 different hats, but you also need to find the right talent. I now believe that’s the most important piece of growing a business. You need a great team to make great things happen.”
–Brixton Albert, founder and CEO of Performance Golf (No. 4 Southeast), an online golf trainer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

2. Take risks.

“You’re going to make mistakes. Ninety-nine percent of what happens is how you respond to things. Don’t be afraid to try something new and buck the norm.”
–Anthony Perera, founder and CEO of Air Pros USA (No. 5 Southeast), an HVAC repair company in Hollywood, Florida

3. Distribute decision-making.

“Give people autonomy to make decisions within your organization. Especially when you’re remote–you don’t have the luxury of sticking your head into someone’s office to ask them a question. Letting people make decisions on their own has helped us operate and grow.”
–David Brasfield, founder and CEO of NXTsoft (No. 6 Southeast), a fintech company in Birmingham, Alabama

4. Get it right, right away.

“I started my last business in my 20s; I was really learning on the job. We didn’t have the right structures in place to ensure every employee knew exactly what they were doing. That can create communication breakdowns. This time around, I was really diligent about putting systems in place. From our mission statement to annual goals, every employee now knows exactly what success means for them.”
–Joel Holland, CEO of Harvest Hosts (No. 3 Rocky Mountain), an RV vacation membership club in Vail, Colorado

5. Take time for you.

“It takes a lot of energy and sleepless nights to work at a company that is growing as fast as ours. You’ve got to make sure your personal health is OK. I do CrossFit in the middle of the day for an hour to recharge. That has done a lot for me and dramatically increased my productivity.”
–Brett Stevens, co-founder and CEO of Fohse (No. 1 Rocky Mountain), a manufacturer of LED grow lights in Las Vegas

6. Don’t panic.

“When you have a hundred things going on and a hundred decisions to make, it can be easy for excitement and momentum to turn into panic. I dived in. As a team, we strive to be as present and mindful as we can be. We seem to do our best work when we’re most challenged.”
–Brian Larsen, co-founder and CEO of RestoraPet (No. 3 Mid-Atlantic), a pet supplements maker in Gaithersburg, Maryland

7. Get out and network.

“Don’t hide behind the computer–get out there and explain your vision and mission. When we were in total startup mode, I was at an event at least three times a week. Eventually, with enough networking, you’ll find that one person who gives you that shot.”
–Glenn Diersen, founder and president of Summit Human Capital (No. 1 Mid-Atlantic), an employer of record in Richmond, Virginia

8. Fight the urge to say yes.

“As a founder and entrepreneur, I want to say yes to everything. But as we’ve tried to own our culture and own our value proposition, it’s become easier and easier to look at a potential customer and say, I don’t think this is the right fit.”
–JC Grubbs, founder and CEO of Tandem (No. 86 Midwest), a software consultancy in Chicago

9. Look for strategic partnerships.

“We’ve built our business off being nimble through the use of strategic partnerships. I go to different companies and propose products and partnerships, and then we work together–I call it my pantry. We’re just putting different ingredients together.”
–Michael Walters, founder and president of studio503 (No. 4 Midwest), a strategic business development firm in Maple Grove, Minnesota

10. Don’t hate the haters.

“When our products were inundated with fake negative reviews on Amazon, it stung. But we eventually realized it was beyond our control. I learned not to focus on the negative. Instead, we refocused on our main goal of helping people.”
–Law Payne, co-founder of Hardbody Supplements (No. 2 Midwest), a fitness and supplements brand in Overland Park, Kansas

11. Find an opportunity.

“When we began in mid-2017, there was a misconception in sports media: Fandom was waning. It wasn’t; it just switched–from big screens in living rooms to little ones in our pockets.”
–Brian Verne, co-founder and CEO of Wave Sports + Entertainment (No. 2 Pacific), a media firm in Santa Monica, California

12. Zig when others zag.

“I spent a month watching YouTube tutorials to learn about Facebook ads. Then I looked for ways to differentiate. My idea: write copy sets that were like stories–my story. It caught people’s eye.”
–Shane Heath, founder and CEO of MUD/WTR (No. 3 Pacific), a coffee alternative maker in Venice, California

13. Create intrapreneurs.

“We have a lot of intrapreneurs, people with strong sales teams who are great with cash flow. Creating attractive, long-term incentive plans for sales leaders has been crucial for increasing our revenue.”
–Aaron Weymann, founder and CEO of Kayo Energy (No. 3 Southwest), a solar panel sales company in Tempe, Arizona

14. Focus on your finances.

“Make sure you’re focusing on your financials first. They say 90 percent of small businesses fail, and a lot of that has to do with their inability to compete with larger companies and the resources they have. I’m not talking about just HR and hiring, but also how important financial models and forecasting are to the health of the business.”
–Emerson Smith, founder and CEO of Pushnami (No. 1 Southwest), a digital messaging platform in Austin

15. Don’t let culture be an afterthought.

“We didn’t build our company from focus-group learnings or anything like that. But we did think about culture early on. Once you grow and scale quickly, you can’t back into culture. It has to come from the ground up.”
–Bill Shufelt, co-founder and CEO of Athletic Brewing Company (No. 2 Northeast), a maker of non-alcoholic craft beers based in Stratford, Connecticut

16. Look at metrics.

“If someone is calling into a call center for a prescription, they’re probably already unhappy. So, we put the patient first–and we keep an eye on our metrics. Growth is a familiar one. But the other metric I point to is customer satisfaction. We have a Net Promoter Score of 96, which is absolutely heroic. In health care, the industry average is 14.”
-A.J. Loiacono, co-founder and CEO of Capital Rx (No. 3 Northeast), a pharmacy benefit manager based in New York City

17. Stay honest.

“When so much is happening so quickly, you’ve just got to be speaking the truth all the time. Be as transparent as possible, with your team, with your customers, with your investors–with everybody. Talk about failures or things that aren’t going well, chiefly. That way, you can destigmatize those things and work on them more effectively.”
–Dan O’Malley, co-founder and CEO of Numerated (No. 4 Northeast), a digital lending platform in Boston

Via Inc

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How to become Freelance Education Consultant to Make Money



Becoming a freelance education consultant can be a great way to make money while also helping others. Whether you have a background in teaching, counselling, or another related field, there are many opportunities to use your knowledge and expertise to assist individuals and organizations with their educational needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips on how to become a successful freelance education consultant.

Determine your niche

Before you can start offering your services as a freelance education consultant, it’s important to determine what your niche is. This will help you to focus your marketing efforts and position yourself as an expert in a specific area of education. Some possible niches include college admissions consulting, academic coaching, curriculum development, and teacher training.

Build your credentials

While it’s possible to start freelancing as an education consultant without any formal credentials, having a degree or certification in education can help to boost your credibility and attract clients. Additionally, you may want to consider pursuing continuing education opportunities to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in your niche.

Create a portfolio

One of the best ways to showcase your expertise as a freelance education consultant is to create a portfolio of your work. This could include case studies, testimonials from satisfied clients, and samples of curriculum or training materials that you have developed. Your portfolio should be professional and visually appealing, so consider using AI-generated images to add some visual interest.

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Market your services

Once you have established your niche, built your credentials, and created a portfolio, it’s time to start marketing your services. You can use social media, your website, and online marketplaces like Upwork to connect with potential clients. Be sure to communicate your services, pricing, and availability, and consider offering a free consultation to help potential clients understand how you can assist them.

Provide excellent customer service

Finally, it’s important to provide excellent customer service to your clients to build a strong reputation as a freelance education consultant. This means being responsive to their needs, communicating clearly and professionally, and delivering high-quality work on time.

By following these tips, you can become a successful freelance education consultant and start making money while helping others achieve their educational goals. Remember to use AI-generated images to add some visual interest and help your portfolio stand out from the crowd!

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Bulk Buy or Bullion Bonanza? Costco’s $100 Million Gold Bar Haul Explained



Costco, the retail giant synonymous with bulk bargains on everyday items, has made waves in financial circles by achieving a surprising feat: selling $100 million worth of gold bars in its inaugural quarter. This unexpected development has set the financial and retail sectors abuzz, prompting industry experts and consumers alike to delve into the intriguing phenomenon driving this newfound demand for precious metals at the local Costco.

1. The Allure of Gold in Turbulent Times:

Historically, gold has been perceived as a haven asset during periods of economic uncertainty. With prevailing concerns about inflation and the looming spectre of recession, it appears that some investors are turning to gold as a hedge against potential market downturns. The age-old appeal of gold’s stability in times of crisis may be drawing individuals seeking to safeguard their wealth amidst a backdrop of financial volatility.

2. Convenience and Price Dynamics:

Costco’s online store has become an unexpected hub for gold enthusiasts, offering 1-ounce gold bars at approximately $2,000 each—often slightly below prevailing market prices. The combination of accessibility and affordability appears to be a compelling factor, enticing new buyers who may not typically consider investing in gold. The retail giant’s foray into the gold market presents an interesting intersection of bulk retail and high-value commodities.

3. Member Appeal and Brand Loyalty:

Costco’s unique approach to selling gold also leverages the loyalty of its members. With an established reputation for offering unique and valuable products, Costco has managed to tap into its members’ trust in the brand. The two-bar limit per membership adds an element of exclusivity and scarcity, further fueling the demand among its dedicated customer base.

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4. Beyond Investment:

Interestingly, it’s not solely investors partaking in this gold rush at Costco. Some shoppers may be acquiring gold bars for personal reasons, such as gift-giving, creating heirlooms, or simply fulfilling a long-held desire to own a piece of this precious metal. The allure of gold extends beyond its financial utility, touching upon personal and sentimental motivations.

5. The Future of Bullion at Costco:

While the $100 million in gold sales is undoubtedly an impressive figure, it represents only a fraction of Costco’s overall revenue. Nevertheless, this venture into gold sales may herald future developments. If demand remains robust, Costco could potentially expand its precious metal offerings, or even introduce dedicated bullion sections within its sprawling warehouses. This move signifies a strategic exploration of new markets and revenue streams by the retail giant.

The Verdict:

Whether Costco’s gold sales are viewed as a shrewd investment strategy, a passing trend, or a reflection of current economic uncertainties, one thing remains evident: it’s a bold move that has disrupted the traditional retail landscape. Observers are keenly watching to discern if this trend will persist and whether other major retailers will follow Costco’s lead in integrating high-value commodities into their product offerings. The intersection of bulk retail and precious metals has opened a unique chapter in the retail playbook, inviting speculation on the future of unconventional retail ventures and their impact on consumer behaviour.

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Embracing the Future: The Rise of Hybrid Working and its Impact on the Workplace



man standing by table and working


In recent years, the way we work has undergone a significant transformation. The traditional 9-to-5 office job is no longer the only norm, and remote work has become increasingly prevalent. But what’s even more intriguing is the rise of hybrid working, a model that combines the best of both worlds – office and remote work. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the 10 ways in which hybrid working is taking root at the workplace and at home, and how it’s reshaping our professional landscape.

1. Flexible Schedules:

One of the most noticeable aspects of hybrid working is the flexibility it offers. Employees are no longer tied to rigid office hours. Instead, they can adapt their schedules to fit their personal lives better. This newfound flexibility allows for a better work-life balance, which, in turn, boosts employee satisfaction and productivity.

2. Remote Technology Advancements:

Hybrid working wouldn’t be possible without the rapid advancements in technology. High-speed internet, video conferencing tools, project management software, and cloud-based storage solutions have made it easier than ever for teams to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of their physical location.

3. Cost Savings:

For both employers and employees, hybrid working can lead to significant cost savings. Companies can reduce expenses associated with maintaining large office spaces, while employees can save money on commuting, work attire, and dining out. This financial relief has been a major driver in the adoption of hybrid working.

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4. Increased Job Opportunities:

The geographical constraints of traditional office work are no longer a hurdle for job seekers. Hybrid work models open up a world of opportunities, allowing employees to work for companies located in different cities or even countries. This expansion of the talent pool benefits both employers and employees.

5. Enhanced Productivity:

Contrary to initial concerns, many studies have shown that employees often experience increased productivity when working from home or remotely. Fewer distractions, personalized work environments, and flexible schedules can lead to better focus and output.

6. Work-Life Integration:

Hybrid working promotes a more integrated approach to work and life. Instead of rigidly separating the two, employees have the freedom to blend their professional and personal responsibilities. This allows for greater adaptability and responsiveness to life’s demands.

7. Improved Mental Health:

The flexibility offered by hybrid working can contribute to better mental health. Reduced commute times, the ability to work from a comfortable home environment, and increased control over one’s schedule can alleviate stress and improve overall well-being.

8. Customized Workspaces:

Employees have the opportunity to create workspaces that cater to their needs and preferences. Whether it’s a cosy home office, a local co-working space, or the traditional corporate office, hybrid working allows individuals to choose the environment that helps them perform at their best.

9. Focus on Output, Not Hours:

Hybrid working shifts the focus from hours spent in the office to the quality and quantity of work produced. Employers are increasingly valuing outcomes over the number of hours logged, encouraging employees to manage their time efficiently.

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10. Environmental Benefits:

Reducing the need for daily commutes and maintaining large office spaces can have a positive impact on the environment. Fewer cars on the road lead to reduced emissions, and smaller office footprints mean less energy consumption. Hybrid working aligns with sustainability goals, making it an appealing option for eco-conscious individuals and organizations.


Hybrid working is changing the way we work by merging office and remote work. This has many advantages for both employers and employees, such as more flexibility, cost savings, increased productivity, and better well-being. As technology advances and our concept of work evolves, hybrid working is expected to become an essential part of our professional lives. It is not just a trend but a significant change that is happening in workplaces and homes worldwide. Embracing this shift and adjusting to the hybrid work model is crucial for success.

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