
Agent Solo:The New Freelance Solo Marketplace



Freelance Or Remote Working has been very lucrative and cost effective companies .Several companies are availing the services of the Freelance Professionals around the world and getting as much as they can from the expertise these Freelance Professionals .With the passage of the Time Many Freelance Websites were launched to provide both buyers and providers a unique Platform to meet and get the work done with perfection and Excellent Expertise .

Today , We are also having a review very attractive Paid Freelance Site which has been growing by leaps and bounds and attracting both the Freelancers and buyers at their Freelance Platform . Yes , we are talking about none other than Agent Solo Freelance Marketplace . Agent Solo is an Excellent Freelance Platform where the Buyers can post their Projects at reasonable Fee whereas Freelancers Can do the job . is a great business venue specifically designed to facilitate the negotiation of professional services between “Solo Agents” and “Buyers” (businesses or individuals who need their services. Agent Solo is also a community or the group of professionals seeking to expand their business network or simply share tips and ideas in order to better adapt to the new working world and with great perfection and Excellence .

Establishment : If we discuss the establishment of which was developed and is currently operated by Netsym communication inc a great company with great Expertise in IT . The Agent Solo company was established in 2002 by three savvy Internet surfers in Quebec, who combined their expertise and formed a complementary team: Yves Williams, Martine Gingras and Stéphanie Simard.

Memberships and Fees : Currently Two types of Freelance Memberships are offered by Agent Solo for Freelancers which include Agent Solo Guest Free where as Agent Solo Premium for $49.99 for Three Months + Taxes . Where as for buyers a yearly Membership is offered at $34.99.

Projects Offered : The Agent Solo offers the most diversified List of Freelance Projects ranging from Communication and Media , Graphic Design and Web Design , Management and Finance , Marketing And Sales , Networking , Hardware and Telephony , writing and translations and Admin Support .

So what are Waiting for apply as Provider or Buyer at the Great Freelance Marketplace Agent Solo and Start bagging a volume of Freelnace Projects and Start Making Money .


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