Freelance Business : The New Search Bot ——RWT Review



Over the years , Microsoft Network ruled the roost as portal and search engine but as the competitors grew the Microsoft renamed MSN as Live Search. After Live Search , A new creative Search Engine was created on the Database of earlier versions of MSN and Live Search Engines . If We Analyse ,Bing is said to be the new Web search engine which is epcailly designed to grab more than just merely assisting you to find information over the Internet.As Bing organizes the search results and provides to the searcher the refined tools that help him overcome information overload and he can get things done easily and quickly just making them do an informed decision. Bing is creation from Software Giant Microsoft more than an Internet search engine. On the contrary , it was created what is essentially an Internet decision engine that helps the Net Visitors to navigate through the rampant excess of information and find the Desired Research based Results as per their Expectation. Bing is absolutely competing with its arch rivals Yahoo and Google as Google Now a days rules the roost . Microsoft has been trying long to bring the innovations in Advertising and Search Marketing since its hostile nature towards the Google as Search Leader. Even Microsoft tried to buy Yahoo in bid to beat Google but Micrsoft’s bid was not honoured by yahoo the Second Largest Search Engine and Directory over the Internet. However If one looks at , it really attracts the Visitors and its attractive backgrounds with information which makes it Stand Apart from Others as well . The Visitors can search Webs , images , Shopping Products and Travelling spots on Bing . According to Microsoft ,with the launch of Bing , its search Marketing Agency Adcenter has started growing and more improvements are expected for Bing to make it more Unique Search Engine Over The internet .


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