
Five Ways to use Email Marketing effectively for your Blog



Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your blog audience and promote your content. It’s a direct line of communication to your subscribers, and it allows you to build relationships with them on a more personal level.

But with so many emails competing for people’s attention, it’s important to make sure your emails are well-written, informative, and engaging. Here are five tips for using email marketing effectively for your blog:

1. Build a targeted email list

The first step to effective email marketing is to build a targeted email list. This means collecting email addresses from people who are interested in your blog content.

There are many different ways to collect email addresses, such as:

  • Adding a sign-up form to your blog sidebar
  • Offering a lead magnet, such as a free ebook or checklist, in exchange for an email address
  • Promoting your email list on social media and in your blog posts
  • Running email marketing contests and giveaways

Once you have a list of email subscribers, it’s important to segment your list so that you can send more targeted emails. For example, you could segment your list by interests, demographics, or purchase history.

2. Write compelling subject lines

The subject line is the first thing people see when they receive an email, so it’s important to make it count. A good subject line will be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.

Here are a few tips for writing compelling subject lines:

  • Use strong power words, such as “new,” “free,” “limited time offer,” and “exclusive.”
  • Personalize the subject line by including the subscriber’s name or a topic that they’re interested in.
  • Ask a question or create a sense of urgency.
  • Keep the subject line short and sweet, so that it displays fully in the subscriber’s inbox.

3. Write engaging email content

The body of your email should be well-written, informative, and engaging. Avoid writing salesy or promotional emails. Instead, focus on providing your subscribers with valuable content that they will enjoy reading.

Here are a few tips for writing engaging email content:

  • Start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Write in a conversational tone and use clear, concise language.
  • Break up your text with headings and images.
  • Include a call to action at the end of your email, such as inviting subscribers to visit your blog, read a new article, or download a free resource.

4. Send emails at the right time

When you send your emails is just as important as what you write in them. You want to send emails at a time when your subscribers are most likely to open and read them.

The best time to send emails varies depending on your audience, but a good rule of thumb is to send them during the workweek, between 9am and 5pm. You should also avoid sending emails on weekends and holidays.

5. Track your results and optimize your campaigns

It’s important to track the results of your email marketing campaigns so that you can see what’s working and what’s not. This information can help you to optimize your campaigns over time.

Most email marketing platforms provide detailed analytics on your campaigns, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. You can use this data to identify which subject lines, content, and send times are most effective.

Additional tips for using email marketing effectively for your blog

  • Use a professional email marketing platform. There are many different email marketing platforms available, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and ConvertKit. These platforms make it easy to create and send email campaigns, and they also provide detailed analytics on your results.
  • Make your emails mobile-friendly. More and more people are reading their emails on mobile devices, so it’s important to make sure your emails look good and function well on all devices.
  • Don’t overdo it. Don’t send too many emails to your subscribers, or they’ll unsubscribe from your list. A good rule of thumb is to send one or two emails per week.
  • Test different elements of your campaigns. Use A/B testing to test different subject lines, content, and send times to see what works best for your audience.

Five case studies of bloggers who use email marketing effectively

Here are five case studies of bloggers who use email marketing effectively:

1. Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn is a blogger and podcaster who helps entrepreneurs start and grow their online businesses. He uses email marketing to build relationships with his audience and promote his content.

He sends out a weekly email newsletter called “Smart Passive Income.” His email newsletters are typically around 2,000 words long and packed with valuable content. He includes a mix of personal stories, business advice, and actionable tips.

Flynn also uses email marketing to promote his courses, products, and services. However, he always does this in a way that is helpful and informative. He never sends out salesy or promotional emails.

As a result of his effective email marketing strategy, Flynn has built a large and engaged email list. His email newsletters have open rates of over 50% and click-through rates of over 10%.

2. Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is a life coach and entrepreneur who helps people create a life and business that they love. She uses email marketing to connect with her audience and share her inspiring messages.

Forleo sends out a weekly email newsletter called “Marie Forleo.” Her email newsletters are typically around 1,000 words long and include a mix of personal stories, motivational messages, and practical advice.

Forleo also uses email marketing to promote her courses, products, and services. However, she always does this in a way that is aligned with her values and mission. She never sends out salesy or pushy emails.

As a result of her effective email marketing strategy, Forleo has built a large and loyal email list. Her email newsletters have open rates of over 40% and click-through rates of over 10%.

3. Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins is an author and speaker who helps people write and share their stories. He uses email marketing to build relationships with his audience and promote his books and courses.

Goins sends out a weekly email newsletter called “GoinsWriter.” His email newsletters are typically around 1,000 words long and include a mix of personal stories, writing advice, and book reviews.

Goins also uses email marketing to promote his courses and products. However, he always does this in a way that is helpful and informative. He never sends out salesy or promotional emails.

As a result of his effective email marketing strategy, Goins has built a large and engaged email list. His email newsletters have open rates of over 30% and click-through rates of over 10%.

4. Melyssa Griffin

Melyssa Griffin is a business coach and strategist who helps women entrepreneurs start and grow their online businesses. She uses email marketing to connect with her audience and share her business expertise.

Griffin sends out a weekly email newsletter called “The Business Siren.” Her email newsletters are typically around 1,000 words long and include a mix of personal stories, business advice, and case studies.

Griffin also uses email marketing to promote her courses and products. However, she always does this in a way that is aligned with her values and mission. She never sends out salesy or pushy emails.

As a result of her effective email marketing strategy, Griffin has built a large and loyal email list. Her email newsletters have open rates of over 40% and click-through rates of over 10%.

5. Darren Rowse

Darren Rowse is the founder of, a popular blog about blogging. He uses email marketing to connect with his audience and share his blogging expertise.

Rowse sends out a weekly email newsletter called “ProBlogger.” His email newsletters are typically around 1,000 words long and include a mix of personal stories, blogging tips, and case studies.

Rowse also uses email marketing to promote his courses and products. However, he always does this in a way that is helpful and informative. He never sends out salesy or promotional emails.

As a result of his effective email marketing strategy, Rowse has built a large and engaged email list. His email newsletters have open rates of over 30% and click-through rates of over 10%.

These are just a few examples of bloggers who are using email marketing effectively to build relationships with their audience and promote their content. If you’re serious about blogging, then you should definitely consider adding email marketing to your marketing strategy.


As a blogger, building relationships and promoting your content is essential. Email marketing can help grow your blog audience and increase engagement, but it’s important to have a clear understanding of your target audience and their interests. Personalizing your emails and segmenting your list based on subscriber behaviour can lead to higher open rates and click-through rates. Additionally, creating compelling subject lines, providing valuable content, and optimizing your emails for mobile devices are all important factors for success. By implementing these tips, you can take advantage of email marketing’s power to reach your goals and grow your blog audience.


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