Freelance Business

Guru.Com : The Biggest Freelance Marketplace



Working from home has been the Top choice in this critical juncture of Global financial recession . The Websites such as has really helped the people of the world regardless of nation , race or religion. Guru.Com has really provided the platform to the Providers and Buyers . where buyers can hire services and Providers can apply for jobs . The More Skilled the Providers , the more vistas of opportunities for the Freelancers . Let us analyze the Guru.Com Freelance Marketplace and let’s see what it offers to the Providers at large .

HISTORY originated in 1998 as and a number of spin-off sites that were consolidated as in 2000.

The Freelance Market has grown sufficiently . The has three categories for the Freelancers . basic members have a very little opportunity to win jobs where as gurus and guru vendors have multiple opportunities to apply and win . Because marketplace claims that the paid members can win three projects per month guaranteed.

Projects: The has multiple types projects including web design and Development , writing and Translation , Resume and Cv Writing , Admin and Support , Business and Consulting , sales and marketing etc. The Sufficient amount of projects available , one can get tired by apply as huge database and volume of projects is offered to paid members . which are avaible on fiexed or hourly basis .

Payments pays the freelancers through two secure payment types 1.Safe pay Escrow: SafePay Escrow:SafePay Escrow offers you the most payment protection when transacting with employers.Escrow helps you to avoid unpaid Invoices. It also allows you to accumulate money-earned and feedback statistics online, and it protects your financial and tax ID information.

2.SafePay Invoicing: SafePay Invoicing allows you to accumulate money-earned and feedback statistics online.However, we cannot assist you with unpaid Invoices when you use SafePay Invoicing.Only use Invoicing if you are working with an Employer you already know and trust.

These two payment methods are very trusted and both the buyers or employers as well as providers are bound the abide by the terms and conditions set by the marketplace . Then visit today and apply as provider or register as Employer .


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