
How to Start and Succeed as Freelance Blogger to Open Money Streams



Content is king and the content creator is the person bewitches the people who read the read the magical words attracting millions of the internet User across the globe on different platforms such as IPads , Smartphones , Desktops , laptops and E-Readers . Everyday thousands of Freelance Bloggers rock the world with worth reading Masterpieces related to the Interest of People .People Reach the fresh content through variety of platforms such as Social Media , Networking , RSS Feeds ,Search Engines and Referrals . The Bloggers are the people who share their thoughts in blog posts usually of 250 to 600 Words . But the Marketing Based blogs may post upto 1000 plus Word blog pots or How to based to share the tips and tools of making the most of Internet . 
Some say about tech Startups ,Some blow up with Marketing wand , Some Share the killer gadgets , Some teach you how to make money from your Blog or Website , Some bloggers also cover the Advertising Modes , Some Play with Code Poetry , Some share the creative thoughts and Design Tips , Some Share the Writing Basics means you can search for any topic blog and its 100% sure that you will find many not few. Blogging in the beginning was limited to sharing your personal Experiences and Happening unlike writing Personal Diaries but now a days it has become the Full Scale Business and Blogs Such as , , , having earning Millions of Dollars and the list is not limited almost every blogger makes to three figures some may cross four Figures depending upon the niche and quality of content being Produced . Now a days , every business has got a blog to keep the customers regarding the update , improvements and Promotions regarding the Organization. 
If you are a Startup Blogger and have been struggling to succeed as Blogger then do not stop , keep on blogging but learn the basics of Blogging from the trend setters in blogosphere , read the inspiring stories of the Successful bloggers to learn what model they Applied to become Successful from Startup blogger . The Following points will help you in becoming an established Blogger with high ranking Blog and swarm of traffic flocking your blog to quench their thrust for particular topic . 
1. Domain Name : Domain registration is the First step to set your foot in blogging planet . but wait! what have you decided to blog about ? This question is they to succeed as Topic for blogging matter the most . You can chose any topic that you love to discuss and topic related to your career , hobby or interest . After your topic selection , you must search for the domain related to your blog . Domains such as .com ,.co or .org are much better than .info etc domains as these top level domains are easily memorable . Almost ,all bloggers aspire to start their startup blog with a .com domain . If the domain is available then Wow! You are lucky to go the Next Step. 
2. Platform and Hosting : There are Several CMS based Blogging platforms such as WordPress , Squarespace , Typepad , Joomla ,Drupal and Blogger etc. But you have to make choice . It is recommended that you should go with WordPress as it is very popular Blogging platform and the platform of choice for the Pro Bloggers all around the world. Now, when you have decided to go with WordPress , You need a professional host to provide unlimuted Space and unlimited bandwidth to your blog . There are several WordPress Optimized Hosts but its recommended that you should choose the reliable hosting services such as BlueHost ,, , or to power up your Startup blog . After purchase of Host youy may login to your host and install the WordPress from Script Installer Such softculous etc . If you are not good in Computer Skills you may hire the services of professional Developer and Designer to Install the WordPress for you and Power up with custom logo ,theme and Plugins to bang the world . Next Step is the Content creation . 
3.Writing your First Blog Post : Writing your first blog post related to choice of your subject is very difficult since you do not know how to attract the massive audience with Sticky and attractive Heading and Blog Post . Here you feel the dearth of Skills which can easily be filled by following the Successful Bloggers and reading their Tips and practicing the same . You may use the most searchable Keywords bu using Google or other Search Engines . Keywords are those terms by which the Search engines identify the content across globe and display the relevant content as per search query . It is advisable that you should use the catchy headlines to attract massive readers . Instead of writing “My Success Story as Blogger “ You can make it more catchy by writing “How I went from Zero to $10000 Dollars per Month blogging about the things I loved ” The latter Headline looks more catchy as compared to Former heading . 
4. Content Quality and Frequency : After writing your first blog post ,you must have realized that how easy it was to write about the thing you love and how to use the keywords in the body of the blog post . The Standard and Error Free Content by the Grammar or Typing Point of few attracts more readers and win appreciation or feedback through Commenting System . You may deploy Commenting System such Disqus ,Intense Debate etc . Some Startup blogs engage multiple authors for multi-authored blogs or Network of Blogs run by the Bloggers . If you intend to engage multiple authors you can hire Freelance authors available at freelance marketplaces . Now , the Frequency of Posting new blog posts to your startup blog . Some bloggers post articles on daily basis ,some bi weekly or some busy blogger may post for fun and post to blogs on weekly basis when they are free . but it is recommended by Blogging Experts to submit posts on daily basis which improves its search traffic ,rank and reputation . Some blogs also submit three to 10 Blog posts daily and receive a regular traffic and high rankings . Its all about content ,quality and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) 
5. Search Engine Submission: Search engines help you to increase your organic traffic and your visibility . If your blog ranks higher in search engines related to your blog categories then your blog will be getting constant search traffic globally and increasing your page views and at the same time your revenue will multiply provided that you maintain content quality ,standard and SEO (Search engine Optimization) . You should use the proper Keywords and it density in the body and headlines to increase page views . Headline with How to…… attract more visitors as compared Static Headlines . You should also use Google Analytics to have insight and real time statistics of your blog . You can use free or paid Searcj Engine Submission for Marketing . 
6. Adverting and Marketing : Advertising makes your blog heard by the readers through variety of channels and blogs using Ad networks to monetize their inventory . Your Ad for for the Blog Marketing leads to your website after being clicked by the visitors . This will increase the conversions and your blog viewership . Advertising Networks offer variety of Ad Formats and Tools to attract massive traffic through geo targeting through the Internet Protocol (IP ) addresses of the computers with which they access Internet globally . You can opt for PPC (Pay Per Click ) CPM (Cost per Million) based ads and Banners .It is recommended that for Contextual Ads select PPC mode and for Banners it is advisable to use CPM based Mode . Advertising Network also offer Backlinks , LinkExchange , Content Marketing , in text ads , hover ads , slider ads and Peel away ads . All these modes have one simple target that is to introduce your blog to massive audience and expand your outreach to readership . 
7. Socialize : Social Media is the powerful Medium to market your Blog and the content you create for the readers on your startup blog . If you do not share with people whatever you have done some remarkable will go unheard until you announce it publicly . This is like a person who succeeded in in the experiment for developing vaccine for any disease but did not announce the same achievement to the people to get benefited from the vaccine . Almost all the Pro Bloggers have active Social Media Accounts with various Social Media Websites such Facebook , Twitter , Linkedin , Yammer ,StumbleUpon, Pinterest etc to share the Photos ,blog posts,tips and updates regarding themselves as well as about the Industries they are working . You should install or ask the Web Developer to deploy Social Media Sharing Buttons so that readers may share the article with friends. Social Media is the simplest,Free and easiest way to get massive readership and traffic amazingly at no cost . 
8. Email Marketing : Email Marketing is the effective to turn your friends and contacts into subscribers or Customers if you sell something on your blog such as Service , E-books , software etc . Email Marketing Companies such as Aweber , Constant Contact , MailChimp etc are the best to get started with even the feed burner from google may blast the readers with your latest posts and updates through email . You can also hire a permanent Email Marketing Consultant to create campaigns and send the Articles of mass interest to Subscribers on daily , weekly or Monthly basis depending upon the interest of Readers’Choice that whether the reader/subscriber has opted for daily , weekly ,or monthly Newsletter or Updates . You need to care about the reader’s interest and don’t scrap their inbox with worthless content which may force the subscriber to unsubscribe. 
9. Revenue Generation : Revenue is the Soul to survive as Startup Blogger almost all Startup blogs have certain revenue Models . Some focus on advertising Models such as Google Adsense , Chitika , Media Net , Infolinks , Some may opt for Affiliate Marketing and earn Commission ,Some develop E-Books with Catchy Headlines , Some write Sponsored Reviews for the Companies , Earn Money and Support their Blog to survive . Some sell adspace Directly through BuySellAds , AdSella ,Publicity Clerks . It is recommended that First Advertising Model such Goole Adsense , Chitika , , Infolinks is the best option along with Direct Ad selling Marketplaces such BSA and AdSella. Revenue is the Key to sustain and develop your blog into Money Stream . You can also develop How to …. E-books and Sell or offer Free to increase email subscribers . 
By above steps if taken in proper manner , you will soon be counted as Successful Blogger and your blog rank will get improved in sites such , and . These websites judge the traffic and Social Media Trends as well as the Backlinks . Backlinks are considered the Cashlinks as they refer the visitors to your website and increase conversion and increase revenue . Backlinks can created through commenting on the leading Blogs and Forums . The Comment along with your name ,Site name and URL will be Published and you will be getting constant traffic from the backlinks . Attend some Bloggers MeetUp and share your story as well lean from the Market Leaders to explore the opportunities . 


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