freelance : Hourly Jobs for Freelancers



Freelancing Has been the oxygen for those who are suffocating in the unemployment scenario as global recession has really hit the Global economy . The Work from home Jobs are boon for all those who don’t have access to companies or for those who don’t want to be bound in 9 t0 5 jobs available in the industry on the basis of competitive salaries being offered by the companies .A Freelancer is the person who does job or works for any company without being affiliated with it or in other words , we can say a part timer employee who works on short term contract less than month .

Today , We are also going to review such a great Freelance Marketplace which has really brought a revolution in Freelance Industry and has become the sole Freelance website offering verified hourly Freelance jobs for the Freelance Professionals around the world .

We are talking about none other than Odesk Freelance Marketplace , the Only verified Freelance Marketplace available on the Internet .Odesk is a great Platform for the Buyers and Providers for getting the Assignments done in Multiple categories . The categories for Work include: W
  • eb Development , Software Development
  • , N

  • etworking and Informations Systems,Writing&Translation
  • ,Adminsitrative Support, Design and Multimedia , Sales and Marketing , Business Services and other related categories .

  • Establishment: Founded by the great Sales and Leadership Manager Garyswart in 2003 partnered by a bunch of Online businesses . The Odesk marketplace has really played vital role in bringing the Buyers and the Freelancers closer to each other . Odesk has become the Freelance marketplace of first choice due to its customer friendly and Freelancer friendly features making it stand apart from the number Competitors .

    Projects : Odesk offers the most secure and guarnteed payment based assignmnets for the Freelancers from the Buyers having verified payment Option. Odesk marketplace never allows those buyers who don’t have the required payment options as prerequiste to hire any Freelance provider on the Odesk marketplace . The Odesk Offers the two type of Projects fixed amount and hourly based . The Fix based assignment are not guaranteed so freelancers are advised not to take any fixed payment project unless the payment is guaranteed or buyer possesses the verified payment option . More over Freelancers can demand upfront option available on the application form . The Second type of Assignments is Hourly based . Freelancers are required to download Odesk team from the website and sign in with Odesk log in and select the appropriate buyer to work on the assignments . The Odesk team captures the snapshots of your work every 15 minutes in order to ensure the transparency in the work done by the freelancers in . Those snapshots make you eligible for payment . You can also edit those snapshots from the work diary before Monday as on Monday those work diaries are frozen .

    Memberships Fees : Odesk is the great marketplace for both freelancers and buyers to do online business . Buyers can sign up free of cost and post unlimited projects where as Providers can sign up free too . But providers are required to pay 10% of their earnings on each assignment per week which is automatically deducted from the total earnings per assignment.

    Payments and Withdrawals : Buyers can pay Odesk with following options which include Visa, MasterCard and American Express credit cards. Buyers in the USA who intend to spend at least $500 per week may pay by check too . Providers can withdraw money using the following methods: Paypal , Payoneer MasterCard Debit Card ,Money Bookers , ACH for US residents only , wire transfer for international Providers .

    Pros: Odesk Freelance Marketplace has the honor to be the only Freelance marketplace to offer verified work on hourly basis as compared to its competitors. Secondly before hiring any Providers , the buyers are required to get their payment options verified which saves providers from Payments issues and disputes . The Dispute resolution policy is also powerful and effective but a little late .

    Cons: Odesk Freelance marketplace is still struggling to make fixed assignments secure and guaranteed as before applying any fixed job assignments Odesk warns the Providers that fixed jobs are not guaranteed so providers should demand 20% t0 50% upfront payment in order avoid any payment issues . Secondly , being the biggest Freelance Marketplace and Favorited by Millions of freelancers around globe , odesk has no phone support for clients which raises question for transparency . It is recommended that above pitfalls may improved in order to make it more efficient Freelance Marketplace for both Buyers and Providers .


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