The freelance work and freelance Projects have helped millions of freelancers all over the world and everyday millions of Freelancers head towards Freelance marketplaces to bag some freelance work and make their living . At first Freelancing was a part time jobs but now a days it has become the regular business for the many freelancers who are always hunting for Freelance Jobs .
The Freelance jobs have been oxygen fro the freelance Professionals as they make their living on these assignments since Hiring process has been banned by big companies in such scenario , Freelance Jobs seems to have no stop whatsoever . The prospective Buyers from all over the world search freelance Profiles on Freelance marketplaces and get their tasks done with ease and perfection .
Today we are also going to share with you yet an other Freelance startup which has great potential to be counted in few successful Freelance Startups . we are talking about . The Spudaroo is very funny name but its database for Freelance jobs is very attractive and impressive . The Spudaroo works on simple navigation and having great features to help both freelancers and buyers .
Membership: It is easy for both buyers and Freelancers to register at Spudaroo Freelance Marketplace and it hardly take minute to sign up as freelancer or buyer . It has very fields to be filled and that is it .
Projects : has huge collection of mostly writing projects which include Resumes , CVs , Cover letters , Newsletters , content , article and other writing related Projects for the prospective Freelancers to choose from . The Projects are also highly paid so the freelancers has great opportunity to bag top budgeted Projects .
Payments : The payments are very simple and the buyers can pay through simply by Credit Card where as the Freelancers can withdraw money from their account through Escrow . The Spudaroo has very simple payment gateway .
Pros : The Spudaroo is very simple site having great categories for writing assignments . The Registration process is also very simple and easy for both the Freelancers and the employers .
Cons : Spudaroo has limited projects and the payment option are also limited which may cause some confusion between the Buyers and Freelancers. The need to improve the navigation as well.
Future Trends : Spudaroo has great potential to be successful outsourcing company in future as it has all the features for any successful business should be . The Spudaroo is also progressing very well .The need to market their company through advertising .