
TaskCity: Outsourcing Made Easy



Outsourcing is the most difficult part of your assignments or projects . one needs too much time in finding the right professional for one’s project who can deliver his best for any assigned project as one has to care about the project , quality and time at the same time . If the hired professional remote or Freelancer working from home , it further increases your concerns that What if the project being outsourced to Freelancers will be up to the mark after completion , will one need to extend the deadline for the particular Freelance professionals . There are so many headaches while outsourcing. Bu thanks to Freelance Marketplaces or Outsourcing Sites which has made very easier for the project owner to outsource the right professionals after watching his previous work history and the feedback he or she has received from the last project owner or buyer who hired his services .

Task City.com is one such sites which has great features for the buyers and providers in order to engage in Freelance contracts. It has great design and very easy registration and one can jump start into the world of Outsourcing World within minutes . If one happens to visit Taskcity website , he will be completely at ease while navigating through the website as site has very simple and easy Navigation which make it easy for both Buyers and providers to start their project execution process .

Membership and Fees : Both Buyers and Freelancers or Providers can register Free of cost as registration is very easy and simple and only takes few minutes . Providers can bid on the projects very easily where as buyers can also post their Projects for outsourcing free of cost .

Projects and Payments: Taskcity currently offers the projects for outsourcing in following categories : Web Development , Software Development , Graphics and Arts Design , Networking and Information Systems and some related sub categories . As far as the payment options are concerned Buyers can pay through Taskcity Paypal which works online and Offline or credit card can also used where as for Providers or experts only two options available which are PayPal and AliPay . Providers get paid by these services .

Upside : TaskCity is the only Freelance Outsourcing Marketplace where both Buyers and providers enjoy its services free of cost currently . It has Great project Management tools which can be very useful for Buyers for proper project Management .

Downside: Being the Freelance Marketplace it has no Project category for For Freelance Writers and Translaters which is the necessary for The project Developers or Web Developers since without content a website has no value . So Addition of Writing and Translation category will increase Taskcity’s value and Volume of Projects . Secondly , Taskcity must consider its payment options as currently they offer two payment options which are PayPal and Alipay . As you know paypal is not supported in some countries so they should have association with Payoneer to to Offer payments through MasterCard as it is very simple and easiest way to get paid through Payoneer . Adding Money bookers will be also beneficial as MoneyBookers is accepeted all over the world . ACH and International Wire Transfer are also necessary payment options for Freelance Marketplace like Taskcity.


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